As a freelance writer and editor, I offer you various services in my area of expertise: communication and writing, which will help your organisation grow. You can think of outsourcing content creation, copywriting or (final)editing. But also communication advice and workshops belong to my portfolio. I can help you grow when you (temporarily) don’t have the time or expertise in your organisation. And that’s right away the advantage of hiring a freelancer: you’ll have an independent expert around who gives you honest advice and writes texts from a fresh perspective.
Freelance writer
I really believe that writing is a true profession. Of course almost all of us write on a daily basis: ranging from a scribble to strategic plans. But writing professionally, goal oriented and aimed at your target audience demands a writer with a rich vocabulary, a good feeling for proportions and accurate knowledge of conversion, communication and content marketing. Only then you can offer a customer the full experience and really think along. If you give me an assignment of which I think it will not help you reach your goals, I will tell you this honestly.
A good text
I want to find what I’m looking for. How about you? – I think it’s important to write for your reader, your visitor, your customer. To use his or her question as an important point of reference for content. That does not just apply to a webtext or blog. It counts for everything I deliver, because also a communication plan and research report should be structured logically in a way it costs the reader as little effort as possible to find the desired information.
Content creation is all about finding the answer to your question. Every reader, every searcher, every human has a question. A question is a broad understanding and doesn’t always have to be very specific. But we are all looking for information. That’s why we Google, why we read. To enrich ourselves with new knowledge, to amuse ourselves, to find answers to our questions, which sometimes raise new questions. If you write proper content which you create from that thought, you will automatically reach the right people.