Naam auteur: Bridget


We all are believers

Nederlands I was never really drawn to Arnol Kox, Eindhoven’s city preacher who died recently. I tolerated him like many; he was just there. But recently, shortly before his death, he said something that touched me: “We all are believers.” Now I can see the atheists jumping up… But he was right as he added: […]


A day out of my quarantine life

Nederlands It’s Saturday morning. I’m sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and a dinosaur cookie. The last one. And that reminds me of the closed border with Belgium; I always get these classic cereal cookies there, preferably the ones with dark chocolate, yum. ‘Kleine plezierkes’ (small pleasures) I’d call them. But unfortunately


This is what the Netherlands will do when quarantine is over

Nederlands Well, my own network may not be representing the whole of the Netherlands perfectly, but I’m still very happy with the input I got after my call I posted last week, asking you to share what you miss most at the moment and what you will do first when the quarantine is over. Responses

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