

Never stop dreaming: 6 of my dreams I hope will come true

Nederlands I don’t only dream at night: I also often have daydreams about things I hope to do someday. Sometimes triggered by very small things around me. And because I like to put my money where my mouth is, I work on some things of my bucket list every year. But not everything is equally […]


What do you want to be when you grow up, Bridget?

Nederlands A question you’re not often asked after age ten. Maybe that’s why I think LOI’s advertising campaign (only in Dutch unfortunately) is so cool: a business man in a suit who does not know the answer to that question. Because why should we stop thinking what we want to become? If you ask yourself


16th of May, forever in my heart

  The 16th of May is, for me, a day with a very double feeling: the birthday of my grandma. The day on which I used to celebrate her turning one year older every year, the day I used to celebrate her life. The day I no longer celebrate. Because she doesn’t turn older any

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