I wonder how interesting these updates still are for people: it is (perhaps) starting to become a bit predictable. I recently had a viewing that was cancelled half an hour before because the person that came before me had bought the house. I was also outbid again by 87,000 euros and I tried to distract myself by putting together a vision board and then dreaming away about what my house would look like in an ideal world.
This week’s news reported an extreme increase of equity to an average value of 220,600 euros. That is 45,600 more than two years ago when the average equity was still at ‘only’ 175,000. Homeowners are getting rich without any effort (and yes, I know it is not cash money) and starters are left behind. And this also shows exactly why the endless overbidding is not being stopped: too many people simply profit from this situation…
It just won’t work anymore. I also see the big difference in the ‘social’ homes for sale via Slimmerkopen, which have also become extremely expensive in the past year. Small, run-down terraced houses are for sale for 360,000 to 420,000 euros. You get a discount on that, but the fact is that they are valued at, for example, 420,000 euros. I find that shocking. On the free market you can honestly have a nicer house for 420,000 euros, but that amount of money I just can’t get a mortgage for. The monthly bills are then too much to bear for a starter. Yet I am worried that a Slimmerkopen home will soon be unaffordable for me too.
Vision boards
When people talk about manifesting, I always feel an allergic reaction running down my spine. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I find it genuinely annoying when people talk about how they have manifested things like jobs, houses or partners.
I am not a begrudger; I am always very happy when people manage to achieve or find such beautiful things. I just don’t really believe in the whole ‘I manifest this or that’ thing. It is mainly the tone when it comes to manifesting that quickly turns me off. I am just very down to earth and believe in hard work and setting realistic goals.
Yes, I am spiritual, but not regarding this topic. So when a few friends enthusiastically told me about their vision boards that they make to manifest wishes (you girls know who you are 😉) I immediately went into cringe mode. Just don’t even. But yes, I had to give them credit; they had achieved a few really nice things in the past year. And they had also worked hard for it and really deserved their achievements. So, long story short: it probably couldn’t hurt to spend an afternoon cutting images and composing those on a piece of cardboard accompanied by a drink and candles. And so it was, which led to the vision board below. This would be a fantastic result of my quest, but I’ll keep my feet on the ground: four walls and a roof would already be great in this market…