Houses with an asking price of up to 300,000 euros are disappearing from the market like snow in the sun. If you look around on the Funda housing website, you rarely see them these days in the wide region around Eindhoven. And if one does pop up, everyone jumps on it. I was recently overbid by more than 100,000 euros. It makes me slightly hopeless. And then I’ll also turn 35 in 6 months from now, help!
My letters with my story and creative offer to also take over the pets of an elderly person who may not move because of them, do generate a lot of sweet reactions from people. And that is heartwarming.
From people who can’t help me but wish me good luck and sympathize, to people who want to help me but don’t have their partner on the same page or those who offer their house with what they think is a nice starting price. But that was around 450,000 euros. Sweet offer, but no, I really can’t afford that on my own as a starter.
How much do you want for it?
I recently went to see a really nice little house. Perfect for me alone and there was also room for a partner if I happen to find a nice one. Big garden for the dog and Flemish Giant. I was enthusiastic. But I wasn’t the only one. It was a group viewing/open house and an older lady asked without any shame how much she should bid. The real estate agent indicated that you should offer what you believe it is worth, but that answer was too politically correct for her. “What do you want for it, 400,000? 450,000? You tell me.” Then you already know that you’re going to get the short end of the stick.
When you view houses, you often see what a mess people make of their gardens (not the case in the former house I mentioned by the way). That makes me sad sometimes, I would take really good care of the garden and enjoy it a lot, instead of turning it into a personal dump. When will it be my turn? But I’m sure more people think that. I keep on responding, delivering letters, brainstorming for more creative ideas, etc.
Turning 35
I am currently counting down to my 35th birthday. Not because I am excited like a child, but because the transfer tax discount for starters will expire. Where I used to think ‘wow, starter discount until 35 years, that’s odd, of course you have it set way earlier than that?!’, I now think ‘oh my god, it is much more likely that I will not succeed before I am 35’ and then I will have to pay even more money for a house.
What do you think, will I succeed in buying a house before April 19, 2025? How do you see the market? Will it get worse, will it stabilize or will there be a dip? I am very curious about your thoughts.